He signed up as a steward with P& O Lines 他签约了P&O航运公司,成为了一名乘务员。
The AIX grep command has an interesting – p ¬ flag that lets you search for information according to paragraphs rather than just for lines. AIXgrep命令有一个有趣的–p¬标志,可以搜索与图片有关的信息,而不仅仅是搜索文字。
Aspirin treatment arrested the two cell lines at G_0/ G_1 phase, reduced the proportion of S phase significantly ( P < 0.01), and induced apparent apoptosis. 阿司匹林还能使2株细胞的G0/G1期细胞显著增多,S期细胞显著减少(P<0.01),并引起了明显的细胞凋亡。
The Role of A p o p tosis gene in Drug Resistant Cell Lines 凋亡基因在肿瘤耐药中的作用
Determination of Si, P, Nb and Ti in Steels by ICP AES with Offset Profile Additional Lines 扩展通道法ICP-AES测定钢铁中硅、磷、铌、钛
This paper first defines n dimensional real projective space p n, then defines plane and lines and projecting mapping on the p n. 本文首先定义了n维实射影空间pn;pn上的平面、直线及射影映射。
Six parental flue-cured tobacco varieties ( lines) were used for diallel cross based on { p ·( p-1)/ 2} design to get genetic materials including parental lines and two generations of F_1s. 本研究选用6个不同类型的烤烟品种(系),按部分双列杂交设计p(p+1)/2配成一套包括亲本和F12个世代的供试材料。
Conclusions TAM can reverse MDR in ovarian carcinoma cell lines partly, and is similar to verapamil ( VPL). TAM may act by blocking the function of P-gp and has no effect on the expression of P-gp. 结论TAM能部分逆转卵巢癌细胞株的耐药性,其强度与维拉帕米相当,其作用机理是抑制P糖蛋白的功能,而对其表达水平没有影响。
But the shape and size of pollen, length of P and E, width of net lines, size of net aperture, net porosity among different materials were different. 而花粉的形状大小、极轴长和赤道轴长、外壁纹饰中的网脊粗细、网孔大小、孔频等随材料不同而异。
There are fairly significance ( P < 0.001) differences on the foraging degree, food's depth, number and weight of the bird among three sample lines. 在由北向南3条样线之间,白头鹤的取食强度、食物埋藏深度、食物数量和食物重量差异极显著(P<0001)。
The Regularity of the F ( P, k) Line between Two Skew Lines 交错直线间F(P,k)线的规律
In field experiment, the ratio of dry matter distribute into grain among maize genotypes are almost the same, harvest index ( HI) of hybrids are less affect by P supply, while HI of inbred lines have a great increase when P added. 不同基因型间干物质向籽粒中的分配比例基本相同,施磷后对杂交种的经济系数影响较小,但自交系的经济系数增长幅度较大。
Heterosis and genetic effect of yield and main nutrient quality characters in Chinese cabbage were analyzed on the data from a set of absolute P ( P-1) diallel cross with 6 inbred lines of different ecotypes. 选用大白菜不同生态型的6个自交系,按P(P-1)方案的完全双列杂交方法,研究了大白菜产量和营养品质性状的杂种优势和遗传效应。
The results showed that at seedling stage, P uptake efficiency was the main resource of different P efficiency among these lines. 这些结果表明在本试验条件下,成熟期磷效率主要由吸收效率决定;
Results showed that ① Chemosensitivity had no positive relationship with the pathological classifications and primary focus sites. But, for different cell lines, the difference of chemosensitivity was significant ( P < 0.001); 结果表明,①药敏试验结果与卵巢癌细胞株的病理类型、原代细胞取材部位无肯定关联,但各卵巢癌细胞株对化疗药物的敏感性有显著性差异(P<0-001);
The demethylation at IGF-ⅱ promoter P 4 was observed in all HCC, adjacent nonneoplastic tissues and cell lines, far different to HBV ( 10%, 1/ 10) and normal liver tissues ( 14%, 1/ 7). 所有肝癌组织、癌旁肝组织和细胞系P4不同程度去甲基化,慢性乙型肝炎组织为10%(1/10)、正常肝组织14%(1/7);
Objective To investigate the frequency of genomic instability in murine hepatocellular carcinoma cell lines Hca/ A2-P ( P) and Hca/ 163-F ( F) with high and low metastatic capacities separately, and to explore its association with genesis and metastasis of hepatocellular carcinoma. 目的观察小鼠高、低转移性肝癌细胞系Hca/16A3-F(F)和Hca/A2-P(P)发生基因组不稳定性的情况,探讨它们与肝癌发生及转移之间的关系。
This phenomenon relates to weak link junction and flux lines pinning force density Fp of the sample. 这种现象与样品中的弱连接以及样品对磁通线的钉扎力密度Fp有关。
P deficiency restrains the uptake of K for the maize. But the P tolerant lines show stronger abilities of K. uptake and accumulation than P sensitive lines. 缺磷抑制玉米植株对K的吸收,耐低磷自交系比低磷敏感自交系吸收和累积钾元素的能力强。
Main results as follows: ( 1) Both photoperiod and temperature are important factors controlling fertility alteration of P ( T) GMS lines, none of tested sterile lines is solely photo-sensitive or thermo-sensitive type. 结果表明:(1)就供试不育系而言,温度和光照都是引起不育系育性转换的因素,不存在纯粹的光敏或温敏的核不育系。